Saturday, October 8, 2011

Half Way!

Phase II didn't change much from Phase I.  Instead of Arms you swap in Chest, Shoulders & Triceps which basically means an hour of push-ups.  The first week I did it in the morning and as with all my morning work outs it was...meh.  This past week I did it after dance class and tried to bring it...consequently I was sore for 3 whole days after.  I don't even attempt this video from my toes, there is no way I'll do more than a couple from my toes so I try for high reps on my knees instead. 

Week 6 also was the first week I skipped a day.  I ended up not sleeping Sunday-Monday so I didn't exercise on Monday.  I feel guilty about this, which is totally irrational, things your best forget the rest.  There is no guilt in P90X if you're doing your best.

Overall I've lost 9lbs in 6 weeks and my hips dropped in inches (Finally).  My arms look like they are shaping up nicely and really overall I like the mix of workouts.  I still don't care for the flow of YogaX, but I'll tell you what I sleep the best after it, I sleep long and hard and it feels great. 

Weeks 9 and 10 I'll be in Mexico, and I'd really like to keep up with the exercise.  I understand I'll be on vacation and probably doing a crap ton of swimming, but it isn't the same.  Also I have a business trip RIGHT after getting back from Mexico and I know I won't exercise on the business trip.  I always try, and my feet usually hurt so badly that I just can't.  This is what happens when you are forced to stand for 9-10hrs a day, and I really would be ok if I typically stood around for several hours, but I don't.

Week 9, 10, 11 and 12 have a lot more sculpting/pull-ups which I won't have a pull up bar in Mexico and I'm not entirely certain about wrapping the resistance bands around the hinge of a door.  *sigh* so we'll see, I'll have to pack all the resistance bands and figure it out.