Even though I am stuck right now, it does not mean I am not excited for the next round in my fitness quest. There are a couple of really good one liners in the books that come with P90X, you know other than "do your best forget the rest." First is the Beachbody mantra: Decide, Commit, Succeed. I really like this as a company slogan, and trust me I'm pretty attuned to marketing slogans. I wish I could come up such a great mantra for my company, er, no I don't, but you know what I mean. They (being Beachbody) have it scroll by before you exercise, or after, either way it is a really good message. I've decided to get fit, I've committed, and I will succeed. I will. Just one day at a time, one work out at a time.
"Not all men and women are created equal." This is true. For instance I loose weight really, really slowly. I mean, slowly, I am from farmer stock, it means I am Never EVER going to be "bird like" as a co-worker of mine phrased it. It also means when I'm not hugely fat that I can go, and go, and go...not necessarily fast but I will work and work and work and work. Trust me I will outlast any ADHD person you know if I need to, and well, if you are following the wedding blog you know I am insane. I begrudgingly will just...well..do it myself.
"The next time you get invited to the Olympic Trials, forget about stretching before the long jump. Before you work out at home, you want your muscles to be capable of a full range of motion." I do like this quote, I like stretching and well, today was my first day of X-stretch and my knees TOLD me. Yes I need to stretch, we all need to stretch, it makes you feel good and flexibility makes you feel young.
Right now I am writing this while watching "American Ninja Warrior." Now, part of me wants to work up to going to this thing. I never, ever would have entertained that thought 6 months ago, and actually I told someone at work "Oh I don't want to be ripped, just thinner." Now, 6 months later, I want to be ripped and I actually think it may be possible.
This is a huge paradigm shift for me, never would I have even entertained that idea. My knees, I'm old, etc. Well, slowly but surely my knees are not necessarily bugging me as much. No, I cannot squat with my ass 2" from the ground, but I now CAN squat with my thighs parallel to the ground, this is a HUGE difference from 6months ago.
I have about a month before I start P90X. Yes a month. Two weeks left on P90MS, 2 weeks recovery and fitness test, and then I will start. I should get 8 weeks in before the wedding and, well, I want to bring it with me! How weird is that. The last two weeks of P90MS have Plyo legs twice this week, which the program itself isn't terribly difficult, but my knees sometimes get tired, so we'll see how I do. I also am going right for the traditional classic P90X. I know women complain that their legs get "big" well...my legs ARE big and I know from the two rounds of P90MS that I do best with a lot of sculpting in my routine. Building muscle is MY friend.
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